Understanding that social and political change require personal and organisational change

Bridging-Changes is an organisation that aims to accompany the stakeholders through these periods of uncertainty. It invests time in people for change to happen.

Incorporated in Switzerland, Bridging-Changes is a purposely small set-up that combines flexibility and innovative thinking with responsive action. It prides itself in being a “do-tank” rather than a “think-tank”.

Bridging-Changes Academy for Leadership in Practice

Targeting leaders, mainly younger ones, Bridging-Changes acts directly to help bring about change by giving them training, advice, mentorship and coaching.

In that context, it is setting up a Leadership Skills Academy for younger South-East Asian leaders focusing on skills training rather than academic teaching.

The Bridging-Changes Academy for Leadership in Practice is a cooperative endeavour between different organisations and learning institutions such as the Asia Institute for Hospitality Management (AIHM), the Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP) and the Thinking Ahead on Societal Change Platform (TASC). It is coordinated by Bridging-Changes SàRL, a social enterprise registered in Switzerland, and funded amongst others by the Bridging-Changes Foundation and other private donors.